Cleaning drywall tools on many jobs is a problem for many reasons. Often water is not easily accessible. Often there is no place to dispose of dirty wash water. So, either tools are carried to wash areas or water is carried to and from work sites. Washmaster Juice used with the Mudmaster Washmaster solves many cleanup problems. It most importantly reduces the amount of water needed to clean drywall tools. 24 - 12 ounce Bottles of Washmaster Juice.
Washmaster Juice used in the Mudmaster Washmaster allows one to reclaim drywall mud. It allows the reuse of the same water, over and over. Drywall mud settles out, the Juice remains dissolved in the water, so many tools can be cleaned. The cleaner water is easier on tools surfaces and moving parts.
The Washmaster allows the cleanup area to be moved with the work area. It can be used far from water sources. It can be used on jobs with restrictive environmental requirements.
The Washmaster and Juice are the solution to most drywall cleanup problems.
The Washmaster allows the cleanup area to be moved with the work area. It can be used far from water sources. It can be used on jobs with restrictive environmental requirements.
The Washmaster and Juice are the solution to most drywall cleanup problems.